Search Results: La Poste (418)

To truly exceed in the e-commerce world, should postal operators develop partnerships with e-retailers? Liz Morrell finds out

Paul Bray takes a close look at the future of direct mail and whether there is any truth behind its predicted demise

Due to new technologies, especially in the field of batteries, and to the need to tackle climate change, we now see a true fresh start to the use of electric vans all over the world. This is particularly true in the postal sector, with operators wishing to cut their CO2 emissions through the use of electric vans as well as electric delivery tricycles or bicycles.

Ever since the government announced a review of the UK postal services market in December 2007 there has been an underlying element of uncertainty within the mail market. Some of that was removed when Richard Hooper published his long awaited report: Modernise or decline: policies to maintain the universal postal service in the United Kingdom, on 16 December 2008.