Search Results: expectations (304)

Support for lower emissions has never been higher, but Patrick Gallagher, CEO of CitySprint, thinks politicians in London need to show more leadership in order to bring electric vehicles into the mainstream

Paul Galpin, managing director, P2P Mailing, examines the trend for consumers opting for tracked delivery when ordering online and highlights the importance of meeting the delivery service needs and expectations of today’s customers

Solystic discusses how e-commerce growth is paving the way for greater cooperation, and how virtual identification may be the key to a standardized approach  

Chris Jones, executive vice president marketing and services at Descartes, speaks about the need to improve the information sharing process when importing and exporting goods at UK borders

Dr. Franklin Ali PhD, Chairman, Trinidad & Tobago Postal Corporation (TTPost), explains how changing customer demands and technology developments might spell the end of the Universal Postal Service